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SMTPit Pro

A Feature-rich Email plug-in




This function allows you to set the “Priority” of an email. Most email clients understand the Priority setting on an email and will highlight the email as more or less important than other emails. This function will take the numbers 1 through 5 with 1 being the Highest Priority, and 5 being the Lowest. This function will also take one of the following five words: “Highest”, “High”, “Normal”, “Low”, or “Lowest”. The Priority defaults to 3 or “Normal”.

Return TypeText
FormatSMTPit_SetPriority ( Priority )
Required Parameters

The Priority of the email. Use “Highest”, “High”, “Normal”, “Low”, “Lowest”, or the numbers 1 through 5.

Example 1

Sets the priority to "Highest".

SMTPit_SetPriority( 1 )
Example 2

Sets the priority to "High"

SMTPit_SetPriority( "High" )
Example 3

Sets the priority to the value in the "Email Priority" field.

SMTPit_SetPriority( Email Priority )