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SMTPit Pro

A Feature-rich Email plug-in

Error List

The following is a list of some common errors you may encounter. This list is not definitive and it is possible the solution to an error below is different than listed. Try the listed solution below and if the error is not resolved, please contact us.

If you receive an error that includes SMTP Server Error or Mail Server Error in it, this means the error is coming directly from the mail server and the plug-in is simply passing the error on for you to see. Some of these errors will be out of our control and you will need to contact the mail server administrator (or company) to resolve the error.

Error List:

ERROR: Send: Incorrect number of parameters
ERROR: Connect: Incorrect number of parameters

ERROR: Connect: Missing or Invalid From Email Address

ERROR: PluginFunctionCallback: The Demo Version has expired for this session

ERROR: Send: Connect: SMTP Server Error: 5.7.0 Must issue a STARTTLS command first

ERROR: Send: Connect: Timed out waiting for Thread to Respond
ERROR: Connect: Connect: Timed out waiting for Thread to Respond
ERROR: Send: Connect: There was an error connecting to ‘’; Error: ESocketException: Connection refused (#10061 in Connect)
ERROR: Send: Connect: There was an error sending to; Winsock Error: 10060; connection timed out
Error: Send: Connect: Error Reading Data; Received returned; -1; Winsock Error: 10054
ERROR: Send: SendOneEmail: Error Reading Data; Receive returned: -1; WinSock Error: 10054
ERROR: Send: Connect: There was an error connecting to ‘’; BSD Error: Operation timed out

ERROR: Send: Connect: SMTP Server Error: Authentication failed
ERROR: Send: Connect: SMTP Server Error: 5.7.8 Error: authentication failed
ERROR: Connect: Connect: SMTP Server Error: 5.7.0 authentication failed
ERROR: Send: Connect: SendAuthCmd: Mail Server Error: 5.7.8 Bad username or password (Authentication failed)

ERROR: Send: Connect: SMTP Server Error: 5.3.3 Unrecognized command

ERROR: Send: SendOneEmail: SMTP Server Error: SMTP authentication is required.
ERROR: Send: Connect: SMTP Server Error: 5.7.1 Recipient address rejected: Missing Authentication

ERROR: Send: Mail Server Error: 452 requested action aborted: try again later, too many recipient per hour
ERROR: Send: SendRcptToCmd: Mail Server Error: 4.1.1 too many mails from

ERROR: Send: SendOneEmail: SMTP Server Error: Relay rejected for policy reasons
ERROR: Send: SendOneEmail: SMTP Server Error: 5.7.1 Unable to relay
ERROR: Send: SendOneEmail: SMTP Server Error: sorry, that domain isn’t in my list of allowed rcpthosts (#5.7.1)
ERROR: Send: SendOneEmail: SMTP Server Error: 550 Recipient Rejected: Relay not allowed

ERROR: Send: Connect: SMTP Server Error: 5.7.4 Unrecognized authentication type
ERROR: Send: SMTP Server Error: 504 5.7.4 Unrecognized authentication type

ERROR: Send: Connect: SMTP Server Error: Error: authentication not enabled

ERROR: Status Window: Cannot display the status window: NO GUI
ERROR: File_SelectFileWithDialog: Cannot display file selection dialog: No GUI

Plug-in failed to load: SMTPit_Pro_WIN.fmx
Plug-in failed to load: SMTPit_Pro_WIN.fmx64

ERROR: Send: Incorrect number of parameters
ERROR: Connect: Incorrect number of parameters

The syntax of the SMTPit_Send, SMTPit_Connect, or SMTPit_SendWithDialog function is incorrect. Check your developer instructions for the proper usage of the function.

  • If you are an end user with a solution from a 3rd party developer that included the plug-in, then you will need to restart FileMaker, and do not open the 3rd party solution. This will clear the registration and allow you to use the plug-in in demo mode. When using a solution from a 3rd party that includes the plug-in with a developer license, the end user does not own a license of the plug-in and can only use the plug-in with the solution that the 3rd party provided.

ERROR: Connect: Missing or Invalid From Email Address

You must specify the From address using the SMTPit_SetFrom function prior to calling the Send or Connect functions.

ERROR: PluginFunctionCallback: The Demo Version has expired for this session

The plug-in is running in demo mode and you have reached the end of the demo session. To continue testing the plug-in, either disable/enable the plug-in in the FileMaker preferences, or restart FileMaker.

  • To disable/enable the plug-in, go to the FileMaker menu (on Mac) or the Edit menu (on Windows), Preferences, Plug-ins tab, find the plug-in name in the list and uncheck the box to the left of the name and then recheck it again.

ERROR: Send: Connect: SMTP Server Error: 5.7.0 Must issue a STARTTLS command first

Check your mail server settings. If the required port is 587, most likely you need to use an SSL type of “AfterConnect”

  • Alternatively, you may try using port 465 and an SSL type of “BeforeConnect”

  • Please see the Setting up the Plug-in to work with your Mail Server article for more information.

  • Only your mail server administrator (or company) can tell you for certain the proper settings.

ERROR: Connect: Connect: Timed out waiting for Thread to Respond

ERROR: Send: Connect: There was an error connecting to ‘’; Error: ESocketException: Connection refused (#10061 in Connect)

ERROR: Send: Connect: There was an error sending to; Winsock Error: 10060; connection timed out

ERROR: Send: SendOneEmail: Error Reading Data; Receive returned: -1; WinSock Error: 10054

Error: Send: Connect: Error Reading Data; Received returned; -1; Winsock Error: 10054

ERROR: Send: Connect: There was an error connecting to ‘’; BSD Error: Operation timed out

This is a general connection timeout error which means the plug-in could not connect to your mail server. This could be for a number of reasons including incorrect settings, something (firewall/anti-virus) is blocking the port you are using, the mail server is currently offline, or something else.

  • Verify the settings you are using with the person/company that owns the mail server.

  • If you are using port 25 and trying to send to a mail server outside of your local network (i.e. on the internet somewhere), it is possible your internet service provider (ISP) is blocking port 25. Many ISPs block port 25 and will only allow you to use their own mail server on port 25. You may need to use an alternative port to connect to the mail server. Port 465 (with an SSL Type of “BeforeConnect”) and 587 (with an SSL Type of “AfterConnect”) are common ports available to use, but you will just need to check with your mail server administrator (or company) to verify if these ports are available to use.

  • Please see the Setting up the Plug-in to work with your Mail Server article for more information.

ERROR: Send: Connect: SMTP Server Error: Authentication failed

ERROR: Send: Connect: SMTP Server Error: 5.7.8 Error: authentication failed

ERROR: Connect: Connect: SMTP Server Error: 5.7.0 authentication failed

ERROR: Send: Connect: SendAuthCmd: Mail Server Error: 5.7.8 Bad username or password (Authentication failed)

This error could be about either the username or password (or both), so be certain you are not misspelling the username or password.

ERROR: Send: Connect: SMTP Server Error: 5.3.3 Unrecognized command

The server is saying the plug-in is issuing a command it does not understand, so we are going to need to get a debug log to see what command it is referring to. Please contact us for further help.

ERROR: Send: SendOneEmail: SMTP Server Error: SMTP authentication is required.

ERROR: Send: Connect: SMTP Server Error: 5.7.1 Recipient address rejected: Missing Authentication

This error is suggesting you are not providing authentication details. You will either need to define your authentication details (username/password) in the Configuration Dialog or in your script that sends email using the SMTPit_SetAuthentication function.

ERROR: Send: Mail Server Error: 452 requested action aborted: try again later, too many recipient per hour

ERROR: Send: SendRcptToCmd: Mail Server Error: 4.1.1 too many mails from

The mail server appears to be saying you have sent too many emails per hour. Most mail servers include an unsolicited email (SPAM) protection scheme which limits the number of emails you can send in a period of time. Some also limit the number of emails you can send on one connection. In either case, we suggest talking to the mail server administrator (or company) to find out exactly what sort of limits exist. The plug-in has no way to bypass these restrictions so you will either need to work within the restrictions or talk with the mail server administrator (or company).

  • Please see the Mass Mail Throttling example database for one way you can script your database to send X amount of email in Y amount of time.

ERROR: Send: SendOneEmail: SMTP Server Error: Relay rejected for policy reasons

ERROR: Send: SendOneEmail: SMTP Server Error: 5.7.1 Unable to relay

ERROR: Send: SendOneEmail: SMTP Server Error: sorry, that domain isn’t in my list of allowed rcpthosts (#5.7.1)

ERROR: Send: SendOneEmail: SMTP Server Error: 550 Recipient Rejected: Relay not allowed

Your mail server has an unsolicited email (SPAM) protection scheme enabled which is giving you this error. In the most general cases, a mail server will not allow you to send email through it if it does not “know” either the To or the From email address. See the What does Relaying Denied mean? FAQ article for more information.

ERROR: Send: Connect: SMTP Server Error: 5.7.4 Unrecognized authentication type

ERROR: Send: SMTP Server Error: 504 5.7.4 Unrecognized authentication type

The mail server does not support the type of authentication you are trying to use with the plug-in. Change the authentication type to a different setting or change it to “Auto”.

ERROR: Send: Connect: SMTP Server Error: Error: authentication not enabled

The mail server is saying it does not support authentication. You will need to set the Authentication Type to “None” either in the Configuration Dialog or in your script that sends email using the SMTPit_SetAuthentication function. The location you set this information depends on how your database was setup.

ERROR: Status Window: Cannot display the status window: NO GUI

ERROR: File_SelectFileWithDialog: Cannot display file selection dialog: No GUI

When running the 64-bit plug-in under 64-bit FileMaker Pro (FMP) 14 on OSX, the user interface is not available (including the configuration dialog). Please see the FAQ section for more information.

Plug-in failed to load: SMTPit_Pro_WIN.fmx

Plug-in failed to load: SMTPit_Pro_WIN.fmx64

The plug-in requires Microsoft’s .net as well as a Visual C++ Redistributable package. This error means either one of these is not installed, or you do not have the correct version installed.

If you are using the client plug-in under FileMaker Pro, see the client plug-in faq.

If you are using the server plug-in under FileMaker Server, see the server plug-in faq.