Name | FTPit_SetAccountOption |
Description | This function sets specific options in the Account you specify.
Return Type | Text |
Format | FTPit_SetAccountOption ( AccountName ; OptionName ; OptionValue ) |
Required Parameters | AccountName The Name of the Account to Modify.
- Host - The domain name or IP address of the FTP server for this account.
- Port - An alternate Port to use to connect to the FTP server for this account.
- Timeout - A Timeout setting in seconds to wait for the FTP server to respond to commands.
- Username - The Username to use when connecting to the FTP server.
- Password - The Password to use when connecting to the FTP server.
- PromptForPassword - Specifies whether or not FTPit Pro should Prompt the user for their Password instead of storing it with the rest of the Account information.
- SecureType - The type of secure connection to use when connecting to the FTP Server. Possible values are None, SSH, AfterConnect (also known as Explicit), and BeforeConnect (also known as Implicit). This OptionName was previously "TLSType".
- SSLVerifyPeer - Specifies whether the plug-in will verify the server certificate has been signed by a known certificate authority. Turning this off is considered unsafe. Value is a boolean. Specify "1" for True or "0" for false. You can also use True/Yes/On or False/No/Off.
- SSLVerifyHost - Specifies whether the plug-in will verify the host you are connecting to is the host defined in the SSL certificate returned by the server. Turning this off is considered unsafe. Value is a boolean. Specify "1" for True or "0" for false. You can also use True/Yes/On or False/No/Off.
- TLSVersion - The version of TLS to use when connecting. This takes a number between 1.0 and 1.3.
- SSHPublicKeyFile - The full path to your SSH Public Key file.
- SSHPrivateKeyFile - The full path to your SSH Private Key file.
- SSHKnownHostsFile - The full path to your SSH Known Hosts file.
- SSHKeyPassword - The password for your SSH Private Key file, if one is set.
- DataPortRangeStart - Starting TCP/IP Port number for the Data Port Connection. This is an advanced setting for when you must connect to the internet through a firewall. You will most likely never need to use this.
- DataPortRangeEnd - Ending TCP/IP Port number for the Data Port Connection. This is an advanced setting for when you must connect to the internet through a firewall. You will most likely never need to use this.
- Passive - Specifies if the connection type is Passive or not. Value is a boolean. Specify "1" for True or "0" for false. You can also use True/Yes/On or False/No/Off.
- DefaultCompletedScript - The name of the script that is used as the default for when FTPit Pro has completed a transfer.
- DefaultMode - Specifies whether transfers are done in "ASCII" or "Binary" mode by default.
Json - Allows you to set all account parameters at once with a json block. Use the GetAccountOption function to see the format of the json.
OptionValueThe New Value for the Option.
Examples | - Example 1
Sets the "Host" Option of the "work ftp" Account to "". FTPit_SetAccountOption( "work ftp" ; "Host" ; "" )
- Example 2
Turns off the Passive Option for the "work ftp" Account. FTPit_SetAccountOption( "work ftp" ; "Passive" ; "Off" )
- Example 3
Sets all account options with a single block of json. (Replace account_options with the actual json.) FTPit_SetAccountOption ( "" ; "Json" ; "{ account_options }" )